Remote work advantages

In 2020 the number of people who work from home is constantly growing around the world. We had freelance workers before. But coronavirus changed lives of thousands of people, closing them at home and making them search for new online opportunities.

Some industries can’t exist without remote work. It is difficult to imagine how a freelancer from a small Ukrainian town could offer his services to a large company from New York if there were no freelance exchanges that connect customers with performers remotely.

There are pros and cons for both the employer and the employee, so let’s look into all this in more detail.

So, what are the remote work advantages for employee?

  1. Work in your own rhythm. Most remote workers can plan their own time for work. For example, you can divide the work into two stages – morning and evening, and do other tasks in the midday  – sports or foreign language courses. It is a dream for many people – to set your schedule and work as you like. You can sleep till the dinner, or wake up at 6 in the morning and finish your working day at 14-15.

  1. Save time and money. Spending 1-2 hours a day on a way to work, adding to this time lunch breaks and chatting with colleagues,  you understand that lots of time is wasted daily. Regarding money, going to work you spend it on a car or public transport. And even more goes to dinners and coffee.  At home all is available in your favorite kitchen. As a result, you time/money savings could be really sustainable.

3.  Fewer sickness. Being at home, you avoid unnecessary health risks and can take care of yourself by     taking the medicine in a timely manner. Also in coronavirus time people working from home are on the safe side as everyone should avoid unnecessary contacts in order not to get virus widespread.

  1. More time for family and friends. Social connections and communication with the family are very important for everyone. Unfortunately, if you spend all your time on work –  there is no power left for family. And this is one of the main advantages of remote style – the ability to plan your schedule and spend more time communicating with people you love. Even if it is Skype or Zoom.

  1. More amenities. You can configure your own computer yourself, choose the furniture that you like best, and start the working day with the favorite playlist in the music player. In this case, you will not bother anyone and no one will bother you.
  2. It’s easier to concentrate. It doesn’t matter if you work in a large team or in a small one, there will always be more stressful and distracting situations in the office than at home. The situation when you are trying to concentrate on solving a problem, and you are constantly distracted by colleagues’ questions and conversations is familiar to everyone.

What are the remote work advantages for business?

After the advantages of working from home for employees we should mention how everything looks for the employer. Obviously, we should take into account the interests of both parties.

1.Attracting and retaining employees. In my opinion, one of the greatest benefits of remote work for companies is the fact that employees value it. The ability to work from home can be an excellent argument in favor of your company in a market where they are fighting for human resources.

It also increases the loyalty of company, because by letting people work from home, you show them your trust. 

2.Increased productivity. One of the most common fears among employers is that remote workers will be less productive. In fact, remote employees in most cases do all the work much faster, they simply do not stretch it to the traditional interval from 9 to 18. At least, their talkative colleagues are not distracting their attention.

3.Cost reduction. Renting a good office in a convenient location can be very expensive. And you need to equip the workplace, purchase equipment and various office supplies for each employee. Working remotely reduces such costs to almost zero.

4.The ability to hire the best. Even in large cities, finding high level professionals can be a big problem, especially when it comes to narrow specialization. As a result, the right person in the office can not be found at all or his salary expectations will not match your level. And if you open a vacancy with the possibility of working from home, you can easily find the necessary employee in any corner of the country.

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages in remote work for the company. But the cons are usually associated with the particular niches. Of course, it is impossible to organize remotely, for example, the work of a production workshop at a factory. But the remote IT company or audit firm – no problem.

VRG Soft in coronavirus time works remotely and strongly advise you to work at home too. You can find more time for your business, and are are always able to help with web and mobile development! 





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