
Mobile Development Trends in 2020

Mobile Development Trends in 2020 Developing mobile applications nowadays is a growing and innovative sector. Billions of mobile applications are been downloaded, and their number increases each year. Technology advances …


What’s new in Web Design 2019

Modern web design has become increasingly popular among professionals who work on creation of unusual projects for leading companies and brands. Outdated visualization techniques recede into the past, giving way …


Food Delivery App

Man is such a lazy animal that loves comfort very much, to get everything at once and as soon as possible. And on these our properties is built the business …


How IT impacts on Real Estate

No business will go untouched by digital transformation. At the root of what’s transforming today’s business designs, industries, markets and organization is the blurring of boundaries between the physical and …


CRM development

Sooner or later, any business is faced with the issue of implementing CRM-system. Today there are many solutions on the market for different niche tasks. When choosing a CRM system, …


A great widget for Analytics

Analytics is the important step in business structure nowadays. First of all, in order to build a successful project of yours, you need to pay a huge attention to analytic …